吃黑巧克力還可以幫助你的身體保持在最佳狀態,這意味著健康的皮膚。黑巧克力(每天不到三盎司)適量可以幫助降低血壓,降低您的心臟疾病的風險,並改善你的情緒。此外,巧克力使得智能零食:研究人員發現了誰消耗富含黃烷醇的巧克力,個人得分較高的認知測試比那些誰沒有。在這裡,四更意想不到的食物規則,做一個身體好:燃油上的脂肪。據威廉姆斯,脂肪可以幫助皮膚保持光滑和柔軟。她建議,為達到健康的脂肪來代替黃油,如椰子油,。獎勵:您也可以使用椰子油作為皮膚和頭髮保濕,這樣你就可以從內到外獲得它的有利影響。(一定要選擇有機椰子產品,以減少毒素的吸收到你的皮膚。)養(拍攝)玻璃。你可能已經聽說紅酒是塞滿的抗衰老化合物白藜蘆醇充分,但如果你什麼'再有心情的硬的東西?喝tequlia,它的出現,實際上有幾個健康的好處,這要歸功於它源自於龍舌蘭植物。一些研究表明,該酒能分解食物中的脂肪,這可以幫助降低低密度脂蛋白水平,又稱壞膽固醇。威廉姆斯建議達到一個高品質的龍舌蘭酒的飛濺有機石灰和水,而不是糖炸彈雞尾酒,以幫助保持你的血糖水平在檢查,因為在體內高濃度的糖可以使皮膚脆性,加速混合老化。吃雞蛋。 必不可少的健康的皮膚,膽固醇也是必要的,有助於身體產生荷爾蒙,如雌激素。雖然雞蛋經常得到一個壞名聲,威廉姆斯宣稱他們作為膽固醇健康的源泉,並為您提供蛋白質的升壓和難以得到膽鹼。另外,你可以吃了兩個每天(是的,每一天!),所以,儘管做出煎蛋雙。找回來,一天三個正方形。當然,有很多議論,周圍吃小餐全天,但據威廉姆斯,所有的放牧保持血糖水平較高,從而加快了衰老的進程。她說,堅持傳統的三頓飯的每天的飲食可以讓你的血糖保持在健康水平,根據威廉姆斯。和飽食,甚至可能讓你苗條:研究表明,誰吃六(或更多)的小餐,每天個人消費往往比那些誰不更多的熱量。
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While you may be downing kale by the plateful in pursuit of a perfect complexion, don't skip the candy aisle if you want glowing skin. (Yes, really.) In "Future Proof Your Skin," London-based dermatologist Stephanie Williams, M.D., reveals that unsweetened cocoa can actually help keep skin healthy. Research has shown that compounds in cocoa, dubbed cocoa flavanols, may increase hydration, decrease rough skin and scaling, and help protect skin against the harmful effects of UV rays.
Eating dark chocolate can also help keep your body in tip-top shape—which means healthier skin. Moderate amounts of dark chocolate (less than three ounces per day) can help lower blood pressure, decrease your risk for heart disease and improve your mood. Plus, chocolate makes for smart snacking: Researchers found that individuals who consumed flavanol-rich chocolate scored higher on cognitive tests than those who didn't. Here, four more unexpected food rules that do a body good:Fuel up on fat. According to Williams, fat can help skin stay smooth and supple. She recommends reaching for healthy fats, such as coconut oil, instead of butter. Bonus: You can also use coconut oil as a skin and hair moisturizer, so you can reap its beneficial effects inside and out. (Be sure to choose organic coconut products to reduce the absorption of toxins into your skin.)
Raise a (shot) glass. You’ve probably already heard that red wine is chock full of the anti-aging compound resveratrol, but what if you're in the mood for the hard stuff? Drinking tequlia, it turns out, actually has a few health benefits, thanks to the agave plant it's derived from. Some studies have suggested that the liquor can break down dietary fat, which can help lower LDL levels, aka bad cholesterol. Williams recommends reaching for a high-quality tequila mixed with a splash of organic lime and water, rather than a sugar-bomb cocktail, to help keep your blood sugar levels in check since high levels of sugar in the body can make skin brittle and accelerate aging.
Eat eggs. Essential for healthy skin, cholesterol is also necessary to help the body produce hormones, such as estrogen. While eggs often get a bad rap, Williams touts them as a healthy source of cholesterol, and gives you a boost of protein and hard-to-get choline. Plus, you can eat up to two a day (yes, every day!), so go ahead and make that omelet a double.
Get back to three squares a day. Sure, there's plenty of buzz around eating mini-meals throughout the day, but according to Williams, all that grazing keeps sugar levels high, which speeds up the aging process. She says sticking to a traditional three-meals-a-day diet allows your blood sugar to stay at a healthy level, according to Williams. And three square meals may even keep you slimmer: Research shows that individuals who eat six (or more) small meals a day often consume more calories than those who don't.