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巧克力達人 chocolate man

電話 : 02-8771-5717     連先生 行動 0912-580-335

營業時間 : 週一至週五12:00~20:00



  地址 : 台北市松山區復興北路81巷24號

LINE : amyice            http://www.man.idv.tw





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養顏巧克力問市 抗老除皺還能變漂亮 有影嘸? 熟齡女實測 連吃4週皮膚變好 抗老除皺巧克力搶市






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本文引用自delightdetox1268 - 巧克力的可可黃烷醇( Cocoa Flavanol )可以幫助認知功能改善,提升專注力與記憶力!

激活大腦 巧克力有助提高記憶力與專注力

NOWnews – 2013年7月1日 下午4:06



義大利拉奎拉大學(The University of L'Aquila)的戴西德里博士(Dr. Giovambattista Desideri)及其研究團隊,針對潛藏在巧克力中的天然營養素「可可黃烷醇」進行相關實驗測試;在實驗中讓高齡90歲、中度記憶衰退的老年人每日飲用 含有3種不同濃度可可黃烷醇的飲品,8周後重新測試他們的腦力與記憶力。實驗的結果顯示,連續8周飲用較高濃度可可黃烷醇飲品的老年人,在手眼協調性、言 語記憶和表達的流暢度上都有顯著的進步;另外,血糖、血壓和氧化損傷的數據也隨之降低,胰島素抗性也獲得40%的改善,證實可可黃烷醇能促進血液循環、激 發腦力,能挽救喪失已久的記憶力。


此外,英國諾丁漢大學(University of Nottingham)的科學家伊恩‧麥克唐納也在研究中發現,健康的年輕女性飲用含有可可黃烷醇的飲品後,大腦血流量在2至3小時內大量增加,有利於改善認知障礙,可幫助人類提高記憶力和專注力。


國際實證醫學組織「卡克倫恩群組」(Cochrane Group)研究證實,可可黃烷醇能在人體內製造一氧化氮 (Nitric Oxide) ,有益循環健康然而部分消費者認為吃巧克力即能攝取足夠的可可黃烷醇,然而,市面上的巧克力為減少苦澀,提升香濃滑順口感,會加入『鹼化』過程,造成可 可黃烷醇的含量流失。










1.Benefits in Cognitive Function, Blood Pressure, and Insulin Resistance Through Cocoa Flavanol Consumption in Elderly Subjects With Mild Cognitive ImpairmentThe Cocoa, Cognition, and Aging (CoCoA) Study


  • Giovambattista Desideri,
  • Catherine Kwik-Uribe,
  • Davide Grassi,
  • Stefano Necozione,
  • Lorenzo Ghiadoni,
  • Daniela Mastroiacovo,
  • Angelo Raffaele,
  • Livia Ferri,
  • Raffaella Bocale,
  • Maria Carmela Lechiara,
  • Carmine Marini,
  • and Claudio Ferri

Hypertension. 2012;HYPERTENSIONAHA.112.193060published online before print August 14 2012doi:10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.112.193060http://hyper.ahajournals.org/content/early/2012/08/14/HYPERTENSIONAHA.112.193060.abstract


  • Davide Grassi,
  • Cristina Lippi,
  • Stefano Necozione,
  • Giovambattista Desideri,
  • and Claudio Ferri

Short-term administration of dark chocolate is followed by a significant increase in insulin sensitivity and a decrease in blood pressure in healthy persons Am J Clin Nutr 2005 81: 3611-614



 巧克力達人 chocolate man      

電話 : 02-8771-5717     連先生 行動 0912-580-335


  地址 : 台北市松山區敦化北路4巷41號

LINE : amyice            http://www.man.idv.tw


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歐洲的研究人員發現,兩周內每天攝入1.5盎司的黑巧克力,有助於減輕壓力,應激激素皮質醇會讓你感覺不那麼疲憊。皮質醇可用於治療抑郁症 <http://jbk.39.net/yyz/>、肥胖 <http://jbk.39.net/keshi/neike/neifenmi/51612.html>、心?病 <http://jbk.39.net/xtxxzb/>等。


研究人員對來自9個歐洲國家的1500名年齡在12~17歲的青少年飲食和健康狀況進行了調查。他們發現,那些經常吃大量巧克力的人,體內脂肪水準遠低於其他人,尤其是他們腹部的脂肪較少,這與他們是否擁有積極活躍的生活模式或者節食關係不大。此外,巧克力對循環系統、血? <http://jck.39.net/jiancha/wuli/tsjc/da7ee.html>和心臟健康也產生了積極效應。該研究成果有利地支援了美國加州大學早期的研究。後者指出經常吃巧克力的人擁有較少的體脂。這也許是因為巧克力雖然比其他食品含有更高的熱量,但它卻讓新陳代謝功能變得更旺盛,從而抵消了原本可能會堆積下來的脂肪。


巧克力達人 chocolate man      

電話 : 02-8771-5717    


  地址 : 台北市松山區敦化北路4巷41號

LINE : amyice            http://www.man.idv.tw





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“我們更多地了解血流在大腦及其對思維能力的影響,”研究的研究員Farzaneh A. Sorond,醫學博士,哈佛醫學院的博士,在一份聲明中說。“大腦作為不同領域需要更多的能量來完成其任務,還需要更大的血液流動,這種關係被稱為神經血管耦合,可能參與了疾病,如阿爾茨海默氏症的重要作用。”


研究人員發現,在長達一個月的研究之後 - 在此期間,參加者不得吃任何其他種類的巧克力 - 誰受損的血流量經歷了血流的改善了8.3%的人。而無論是黃酮類豐富的黃酮類和貧熱可可似乎有這樣的效果。





 巧克力達人 chocolate man      

電話 : 02-8771-5717    


  地址 : 台北市松山區敦化北路4巷41號

LINE : amyice            http://www.man.idv.tw


Chocolate Could Improve Brain Blood Flow, Thinking Skills For Seniors: Study


For some people, indulging in a daily chocolate habit could be all it takes for a better-working brain.

A small new study conducted by Harvard researchers shows that drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day for 30 days was linked with improved blood flow to the brain andbetter scores on memory and thinking skill tests for elderly people with impaired blood flow.

Researchers noted that memory and thinking skills and brain blood flow are linked because of a concept called "neurovascular coupling."

"We're learning more about blood flow in the brain and its effect on thinking skills," study researcher Farzaneh A. Sorond, M.D., Ph.D., of Harvard Medical School, said in a statement. "As different areas of the brain need more energy to complete their tasks, they also need greater blood flow. This relationship, called neurovascular coupling, may play an important role in diseases such as Alzheimer's."

The study, published in the journal Neurology, included 60 people over age 65, with an average age of 73. Of those people, 18 started the study off with impaired blood flow. Half of the study participants drank antioxidant flavonol-rich hot cocoa (dark chocolate is high in flavonols), while the other half drank hot cocoa with low levels of flavonols.

Researchers found that after the month-long study -- during which participants were not permitted to eat any other kinds of chocolate -- the ones who had the impaired blood flow experienced an improvement in blood flow by 8.3 percent. And both the flavonol-rich and flavonol-poor hot cocoas seemed to have this effect.

"From a clinical aspect, this study suggests that vascular effects of cocoa may not be due to its flavanol content," wrote Paul Rosenberg, M.D., and Can Ozan Tan, Ph.D., in a related editorial. "There has been considerable interest in the development of polyphenols including flavanols as vascular interventions for neurodegenerative disease either as single chemical entities (such as epicatechin and resveratrol) or as components of nutriceuticals such as cocoa, but the results of this pilot trial argue against this hypothesis."

Of course, chocolate isn't the only food that could give your brain a boost. Click through the slideshow for some other foods that could do your noggin' good:



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今年7月中旬歐盟食品安全局公告:黑巧克力(dark chocolate)和可可粉(cocoa)能改善血液循環。准許巧克力和可可粉製造商在他們的商品上標示有這樣的健康效益。這等於在為巧克力和可可粉製造商背書。

可可樹的一顆果實含有二十多個可可豆(cocoa bean),是製造巧克力的主要成分,可可豆含不飽和脂肪,高脂肪的部分叫做可可脂(cocoa butter),低脂肪的可可叫做可可塊(cocoa solids)或稱可可粉(cocoa powder)。

巿面上銷售的巧克力有很多種類,它們的差別在於原料、配料及製造方法:(1)黑巧克力(dark chocolate)或稱純巧克力:硬度較大,微苦,一般指純可可脂含量高於50%,或乳質含量少於12%的巧克力,少量糖。(2)白巧克力(white chocolate),不含可可粉,但有可可脂,乳製品和糖粉的含量相對較大,甜度高。(3)榛果巧克力(hazelnut chocolate),含有榛果口味,質地很硬,作為半成品,可用來製作巧克力餡等,其可可脂含量高於50%。(4)牛奶巧克力(Milk chocolate),含10%的可可粉漿,至少12%的乳質;不含可可脂的巧克力,加糖粉、香料、表面活性劑。(5)摻有添加物的巧克力,如有果仁、烈酒酒漿、餅乾等成分的巧克力、以片狀及塊狀居多等。


(1)可可鹼(cocoa alkaloids),它有提神(興奮)作用,也有抗抑鬱效果。











雖然可可豆本身並不含鉛,但是最近的研究卻發現某些巧克力含有鉛,它有可能是來自生產過程中的污染。2004年美國農業部公告:每克的巧克力樣本平均含鉛量介於0.0010至0.0965微克之間,國際的最高容許量是1微克。2002年的一項瑞士研究發現,某一些巧克力含鉛量達到0.769微克。 2006年,美國FDA的新容許量降低到國際最高容許量的五分之一,因為鉛對孩童的毒害甚大。






 巧克力達人 chocolate man      

電話 : 02-8771-5717    


  地址 : 台北市松山區敦化北路4巷41號

LINE : amyice            http://www.man.idv.tw


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降低血壓 《美國臨床營養學雜誌》報導,黑巧克力可降低血壓,因為黑巧克力中的豐富黃酮,具血管張力作用,可有效改善血壓。據統計,黑巧克力可平均降低10%血壓。

保護心血管 美國心臟學會最新研究,黑巧克力能降低心臟病的危險,因為巧克力多酚可改善血液循環,防止心血管疾病;並且多酚能減少壞膽固醇量,有效避免氧化及動脈硬化,降低心血管疾病及中風機率。

降低膽固醇 可可豆中的可可脂是天然脂肪,雖然含很高的飽和脂肪酸,但對血液中膽固醇水準沒有影響,而單不飽和脂肪酸中的油酸可以降低體內膽固醇濃度。

改善身體對胰島素的敏感度 黑巧克力中的黃烷醇成分,具有有抗氧化特性和增加一氧化氮活性的作用,而一氧化氮生物活性會影響刺激胰島素的葡萄糖攝入。義大利科學家也研究發現,黑巧克力可以預防第二型糖尿病,因為黃酮類可以鼓勵荷爾蒙轉化醣類成為細胞的燃料。

預防與緩和腹瀉 黑巧克力成分中的化學物質,是最自然的止瀉劑。美國奧克蘭大學的一項新研究顯示,黑巧克力中的可可粉含黃酮,可用於營養補充品,並能幫助預防與緩和腹瀉。

抗氧化 瑞士蘇黎世大學醫院最新報告指出,每日少量黑巧克力可顯著增加吸取抗氧化劑,研究並指出,黑巧克力含有的抗氧化劑高於紅酒、茶及莓類水果。

抗憂鬱 巧克力所含的咖啡因,的確能使人情緒興奮,有抗抑鬱效果。

提升好心情 巧克力成分中的色胺酸,可幫助人體合成血清素,當人體內的血清素充足,便能穩定情緒於和諧中,通常女性的血清素比男性少,所以女性比男性容易有情緒不穩、嘮叨、鑽牛角尖等負面情緒反應,因此女性吃巧克力後,更容易讓心情轉好。

加強保護牙齒 黑巧克力可以說是零食界對牙齒傷害小的零嘴,根據美國最新醫學研究指出,巧克力成分中的丹寧酸,可抑制細菌,降低蛀牙發生率,抵消糖分所造成的口腔傷害。日本大阪大學研究人員發現,可可豆殼中的抗菌成分,可以對付牙菌斑。

延年益壽 根據哈佛大學研究,如果每個月吃3次巧克力,會比不吃的人長壽一歲。

抗癌 《分子癌症治療學》公佈,有一種蛋白質可以使癌細胞持續分裂,而可可粉中的花青素五節聚化物恰恰能夠抑制這種蛋白質的活性,巧克力在抗癌上具有潛力,科學家正在研究中。


 巧克力達人 chocolate man      

電話 : 02-8771-5717     連先生 行動 0912-580-335


  地址 : 台北市松山區敦化北路4巷41號

LINE : amyice            http://www.man.idv.tw

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我們調高一些最好的健康原因搶到一塊巧克力,享受負責任!只是不要以此作為允許圍巾減糖果的五磅重的袋子,只是還沒有 - 最下方的研究涉及到少量的某些類型的巧克力,沒裝糖和脂肪往往大量處理吧。




































 巧克力達人 chocolate man      


電話 : 02-8771-5717    




  地址 : 台北市松山區敦化北路4巷41號


LINE : amyice            http://www.man.idv.tw






8 Reasons To Justify Giving Into Your Chocolate Cravings


Sometimes it can seem like the only thing that will brighten your day is a piece of sweet, sweet chocolate. We've all been there. If you're looking for reasons to justify your indulgence now and then, scientists have identified some serious health benefits of the brown stuff.

We rounded up some of the best health reasons to grab a piece of chocolate and enjoy responsibly! Just don't use this as permission to scarf down that five-pound bag of candy just yet -- most of the studies below involve small amounts of certain types of chocolate, not the often heavily processed bars loaded with sugar and fat.

1) Chocolate can make you better with numbers.

British scientists showed that the flavanols found in chocolate might just help people with counting skills. Subjects who drank a cup of hot chocolate had an easier time counting backwards from a randomly-generated number between 800 and 999 than those who didn't drink hot chocolate. But the director of the study, David Kennedy of Northumbria University in England believes that his finding could extend to other mental feats: “For things that are difficult to do, mentally demanding things that maybe crop up in your work, [consuming cocoa] could help."

2) Chocolate might help to defend against the sun.

No, you can't eat chocolate instead of putting on sunscreen. But studies have shown that those trusty flavonols found in dark chocolate could help protect your skin from sunburn. A small study conducted by German researchers at the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf showed that women who added flavonoid-rich cocoa to their breakfasts every day for three months had skin that did not redden as much from UV exposure compared to a group of women who consumed cocoa with fewer flavonoids. The first group also had smoother and more hydrated skin..

3) It could also make your hair shinier.

You can create a super moisturizing homemade hair mask out of unsweetened dark chocolate, honey and yogurt. Leave it on for about an hour to boost shine. (We won't judge you if you nibble on some of that dark chocolate first.)

4) Chocolate might help you maintain a healthy BMI.

No, chocolate kisses probably won't reduce your BMI. But research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that among approximately 1,000 Californians between the ages of 20 and 85, those who consumed chocolate more frequently had a lower BMI (Body Mass Index is a measurement of height relative to weight) than those who consumed it less often. The participants with the lowest BMIs ate chocolate an average of two times per week and exercised 3.6 times per week. The researchers cautioned, though, that they only identified a correlation, not a causal relationship.

Dr. David Katz, founding director of Yale University's Prevention Research Center,told HuffPost when the findings were released that one way chocolate might help lower BMI is by providing antioxidants, which could reduce inflammation, helping to balance out the hormones that facilitate weight control.

5) Eating chocolate regularly keeps your heart healthy.

Findings in the Journal of Nutrition showed that eating a small amount of only dark chocolate every day (basically a small square), could protect your heart from inflammation, thus reducing your chances of developing heart-related diseases.

6) Chocolate could help you stop coughing.

There's an ingredient derived from cocoa called theobromine that may help reduce activity of the vagus nerve, the part of the brain that triggers intense coughing. The British National Health Service conducted a study in which they gave theobromine twice a day for 14 days to 300 people with persistent coughs. Results showed that 60 percent of patients expressed relief after taking the chemical.

7) Chocolate could help fight diabetes.

One small study showed that eating dark chocolate might help to increase insulin sensitivity, which reduces a person's chance of developing diabetes.

8) Chocolate may give your eyesight a boost.

Because we already know that chocolate improves blood flow to the brain, researchers at the University of Reading suggested in a 2011 study that chocolate could also improve eyesight by increasing blood flow to the retina, therefore improving your vision in low-contrast situations, like when it's foggy or dark.












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吃黑巧克力還可以幫助你的身體保持在最佳狀態,這意味著健康的皮膚。黑巧克力(每天不到三盎司)適量可以幫助降低血壓,降低您的心臟疾病的風險,並改善你的情緒。此外,巧克力使得智能零食:研究人員發現了誰消耗富含黃烷醇的巧克力,個人得分較高的認知測試比那些誰沒有。在這裡,四更意想不到的食物規則,做一個身體好:燃油上的脂肪。據威廉姆斯,脂肪可以幫助皮膚保持光滑和柔軟。她建議,為達到健康的脂肪來代替黃油,如椰子油,。獎勵:您也可以使用椰子油作為皮膚和頭髮保濕,這樣你就可以從內到外獲得它的有利影響。(一定要選擇有機椰子產品,以減少毒素的吸收到你的皮膚。)養(拍攝)玻璃。你可能已經聽說紅酒是塞滿的抗衰老化合物白藜蘆醇充分,但如果你什麼'再有心情的硬的東西?喝tequlia,它的出現,實際上有幾個健康的好處,這要歸功於它源自於龍舌蘭植物。一些研究表明,該酒能分解食物中的脂肪,這可以幫助降低低密度脂蛋白水平,又稱壞膽固醇。威廉姆斯建議達到一個高品質的龍舌蘭酒的飛濺有機石灰和水,而不是糖炸彈雞尾酒,以幫助保持你的血糖水平在檢查,因為在體內高濃度的糖可以使皮膚脆性,加速混合老化。吃雞蛋。   必不可少的健康的皮膚,膽固醇也是必要的,有助於身體產生荷爾蒙,如雌激素。雖然雞蛋經常得到一個壞名聲,威廉姆斯宣稱他們作為膽固醇健康的源泉,並為您提供蛋白質的升壓和難以得到膽鹼。另外,你可以吃了兩個每天(是的,每一天!),所以,儘管做出煎蛋雙。找回來,一天三個正方形。當然,有很多議論,周圍吃小餐全天,但據威廉姆斯,所有的放牧保持血糖水平較高,從而加快了衰老的進程。她說,堅持傳統的三頓飯的每天的飲食可以讓你的血糖保持在健康水平,根據威廉姆斯。和飽食,甚至可能讓你苗條:研究表明,誰吃六(或更多)的小餐,每天個人消費往往比那些誰不更多的熱量。


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While you may be downing kale by the plateful in pursuit of a perfect complexion, don't skip the candy aisle if you want glowing skin. (Yes, really.) In "Future Proof Your Skin," London-based dermatologist Stephanie Williams, M.D., reveals that unsweetened cocoa can actually help keep skin healthy. Research has shown that compounds in cocoa, dubbed cocoa flavanols, may increase hydration, decrease rough skin and scaling, and help protect skin against the harmful effects of UV rays.

Eating dark chocolate can also help keep your body in tip-top shape—which means healthier skin. Moderate amounts of dark chocolate (less than three ounces per day) can help lower blood pressure, decrease your risk for heart disease and improve your mood. Plus, chocolate makes for smart snacking: Researchers found that individuals who consumed flavanol-rich chocolate scored higher on cognitive tests than those who didn't. Here, four more unexpected food rules that do a body good:Fuel up on fat. According to Williams, fat can help skin stay smooth and supple. She recommends reaching for healthy fats, such as coconut oil, instead of butter. Bonus: You can also use coconut oil as a skin and hair moisturizer, so you can reap its beneficial effects inside and out. (Be sure to choose organic coconut products to reduce the absorption of toxins into your skin.)
Raise a (shot) glass. You’ve probably already heard that red wine is chock full of the anti-aging compound resveratrol, but what if you're in the mood for the hard stuff?  Drinking tequlia, it turns out, actually has a few health benefits, thanks to the agave plant it's derived from. Some studies have suggested that the liquor can break down dietary fat, which can help lower LDL levels, aka bad cholesterol. Williams recommends reaching for a high-quality tequila mixed with a splash of organic lime and water, rather than a sugar-bomb cocktail, to help keep your blood sugar levels in check since high levels of sugar in the body can make skin brittle and accelerate aging.
Eat eggs.  Essential for healthy skin, cholesterol is also necessary to help the body produce hormones, such as estrogen. While eggs often get a bad rap, Williams touts them as a healthy source of cholesterol, and gives you a boost of protein and hard-to-get choline. Plus, you can eat up to two a day (yes, every day!), so go ahead and make that omelet a double.
Get back to three squares a day. Sure, there's plenty of buzz around eating mini-meals throughout the day, but according to Williams, all that grazing keeps sugar levels high, which speeds up the aging process. She says sticking to a traditional three-meals-a-day diet allows your blood sugar to stay at a healthy level, according to Williams. And three square meals may even keep you slimmer: Research shows that individuals who eat six (or more) small meals a day often consume more calories than those who don't.



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黑巧克力福利--吃,巧克力巧克力和健康巧克力的健康益處巧克力心臟健康黑巧克力健康黑巧克力的心健康的益處的巧克力自己的健康的心理及身體 自己的新聞





這是當可可開始像一類高血壓藥物稱為ACE(血管緊張素轉化酶)抑製劑的工作,研究人員發現在瑞典林雪平大學。劑量:約2.6盎司的不加糖72%的可可黑巧克力,其中18%在三小時內降低血壓調節酶(ACE 。其他的研究發現,2個月的標記,每日劑量為高黃烷醇的巧克力導致了壓降的23毫米汞柱的血壓,其可以轉化為中風的低8%的風險。雖然沒有心髒病是(但)訂明的巧克力代替藥品,研究正在進行中。機會是,患者依從性會很高。



在這一點上,你可能會圍巾下來漢堡包和乳酪每一天-但有較少的炎症和比預期更低的胰島素水平。可可為主食的老鼠似乎,至少。當他們吃了相當於人類的10湯匙(低糖,低脂)可可粉每天,他們的胰島素水平下降到近三分之一低於同脂肪飲食非可可為主食的老鼠。這幾乎低至那小鼠低脂肪飲食。和他們失去了- 輸了! -權重開機。有一種說法:在可可黃烷醇益生元可以改善腸道屏障,從而防止內毒素,垃圾食品興旺的細菌,從消化系統外洩漏,並引發了炎症和胰島素抵抗是先於肥胖和2型糖尿病。(研究人員認為人類將同樣受益;敬請關注。)



當研究者追踪巧克力的心血管益處長達十幾年,趨勢是...令人振奮。31000瑞典婦女,那些誰表示,他們吃巧克力一次或每週兩次有心臟衰竭的比戒除降低32%的風險。雖然科學不能證明可可得到所有的功勞,它的黃烷醇可阻止血小板結塊在一起,形成致命的血栓。但是 -這裡是一個大的-我們大多數人更喜歡牛奶巧克力的顏色較深的東西,和所有過量的糖,每天能最終得不償失。這個教訓是吃治療只有它最瘦的,最有力的形式:可可粉或黑巧克力,這是高黃烷醇,低糖和脂肪。其中,對一些人來說,是苦樂參半的消息。

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LINE : amyice            http://www.man.idv.tw

By Jena Pincott

Katharine Hepburn reportedly said of herself, "What you see before you, my friend, is the result of a lifetime of chocolate.” Inspired, we broke that down into hours, weeks, months and years. Here’s what a fix can do….

Within 90 minutes…your neurons are humming.
One way in which scientists test for alertness and mental stamina is by asking their subjects to do math in their head -- counting down by 3s and 7s, for instance -- tasks so tedious they’re prescribed for insomnia. But 90 minutes after people drank cocoa, they rattled off correct numbers, found a study at the U.K.’s Northumbria University. Credit goes to flavanol, a plant antioxidant that has been found to widen blood vessels and increase blood flow in the brain. How much flavanol you get depends on origin, harvesting and processing, says one of the study's authors, Crystal Haskell-Ramsay, PhD. The most flavanol-rich options are usually the darkest and bitterest, like cocoa powder and baking chocolate. To match the study’s cognitive sweet spot, she says, we’d need roughly 7 grams of special, enriched high-flavanol cocoa powder or a 3.5-ounce chocolate bar with at least 70-percent-cocoa content. (The cocoa powder in the study was CocoaPro; it's in CocoaVia and Dove Dark Chocolate products.)

Within two and a half hours…you can resist a pizza buffet. 
Even if Mario Batali invites you to dinner tonight, you might be surprised by your own restraint. About 2.5 hours after eating 70-percent-cocoa chocolate (a 3.5-ounce bar), volunteers at the University of Copenhagen consumed 17 percent fewer caloriesat an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet than if they had eaten milk chocolate earlier on. Sweet, salty or fatty foods just didn’t have the same draw, they said. Other research confirms: Dark chocolate—perhaps because it’s so intense -- decreases levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone ghrelin and is more filling. And here’s the surprise: Even the smell of it made people less hungry.

Within three hours…it’ll start to protect your heart. 
This is when cocoa begins working like a class of hypertension drugs called ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors, found researchers at Sweden’s Linköping University. The dose: about 2.6 ounces of unsweetened 72-percent-cocoa dark chocolate, which decreased the blood-pressure regulating enzyme (ACE) by 18 percent in three hours. Other research found that by the two-month mark, a daily dose of high-flavanol chocolate led to a drop of 2-to-3 mm Hg in blood pressure, which may translate to an 8 percent lower risk of stroke. While no cardiologist is (yet) prescribing chocolate in lieu of pharmaceuticals, research is ongoing. Chances are, patient compliance would be high.

After two weeks…your gut feelings start to change. 
People who call themselves “high-anxiety” types experienced a dramatic shift at this point, found a study published in the Journal of Proteome Research. Before they started eating dark chocolate (about 1.5 ounces) daily, their urine and blood samples showed high levels of stress hormones. After two weeks on the regimen, those hormones dropped significantly. The scientists also noted changes in gut-bacteria metabolism, which suggests that microbes in the colon got better at processing -- and maximizing the benefits of –- flavanol and other healthy polyphenols. Flavanol is also a known prebiotic; it supports the “good guy” bacteria like Lactobacillus that you’d get if you ate that other “soothe-food”: yogurt.)

After one month…hard-earned benefits are rolling in. 
Great news for those with the steely discipline to eat chocolate every day, all month. By now, your ratio of “good” (HDL) to “bad” (LDL) cholesterol may have improved,as it did in volunteers who ate about 2.6 ounces of either dark or high-flavanol chocolate every day. The benefits may be cumulative, helping to prevent old-lady haze in the first place: People in their seventies who say they habitually eat some chocolate each week (along with polyphenol-rich wine and tea) scored significantly higher on cognition tests than abstainers. And, after a month of high-flavanol cocoa (we’re talking 500 mg of flavanols a day, no less; which is in 7 grams of high-flavanol cocoa powder or a 3.5-ounce bar of intensely dark chocolate), subjects reported feeling significantly more serene.

After two and a half months…no one knows you eat like a teenager.
At this point, you might scarf down hamburgers and cheesecake every day -- yet have less inflammation and a lower insulin level than expected. Cocoa-eating mice seem to, at least. When they ate the human equivalent of 10 tablespoons of (low-sugar, low-fat) cocoa powder daily, their insulin levels dropped to almost one-third less than that of non-cocoa-eating mice on the same fatty diet. That’s almost as low as that of mice on a low-fat diet. And they lost -- lost! -- weight to boot. One theory: Prebiotic flavanols in cocoa may improve the gut barrier, thereby preventing endotoxin, a junk-food-thriving bacterium, from leaking outside the digestive system and triggering the inflammation and insulin resistance that precede obesity and type-2 diabetes. (The researchers think humans will benefit similarly; stay tuned.)

After three months…your skin looks 13 years younger (without fillers). 
Okay, maybe not a decade younger, but at least it may be suppler, smoother and plumper -- found a German study that compared women’s skin on and off a high-flavanol cocoa regimen. For those who drank a high-flavanol (329 mg) cocoa drink (comparable to most of a 3.5-ounce, 70-percent-cocoa chocolate bar) every morning for 12 weeks, the rate of blood flow to the epidermis doubled compared with a low-flavanol group. As a result, their skin became, on average, 16 percent denser, 11 percent thicker, 13 percent moister and 42 percent less scaly than before the experiment. Plus, it was 25 percent more resistant to the skin-reddening effects of UV rays -- comparable to a mild sunscreen. There they are again, flavanols and other antioxidants saving our hides.

After a year…you may feel thinner. 
Chocolate poses an intriguing paradox, found researchers at the University of California at San Diego. Of the 1,000 adults they followed, those who regularly ate the stuff more than twice a week turned out to be slightly thinner than those who ate it less frequently. And, no, they weren’t exercising more. The mystery may be explained by rodent studies in which cocoa’s flavanols subtly retuned metabolism and increased sensitivity to insulin -- resulting in the seemingly impossible: exercise-free, diet-free weight loss. But before you go hog-wild, note that the chocolate lovers didn’t necessarily eat chocolate every day or very much in a serving. It’s an energy-dense food, says Haskell-Ramsay—especially when sugar is added. To prevent your habit from leading to weight gain, she recommends making sure that the chocolate is consumed in place of -- rather than in addition to& -- something else.

After a decade…it still gets your blood flowing. 
When investigators tracked chocolate’s cardiovascular benefits for up to ten years, the trends were…heartening. Of 31,000 Swedish women, those who said they ate chocolate once or twice a week had a 32 percent lower risk of heart failure than abstainers. While science can’t prove that cocoa gets all the credit, its flavanols may deter platelets from clumping together to form deadly clots. But -- and here’s a big one -- most of us prefer milk chocolate to the darker stuff, and all that excess sugar every day can eventually outweigh the benefits. The lesson is to eat the treat only its leanest, most potent forms: Cocoa or dark chocolate that’s high in flavanol, low in sugar and fat. Which, to some, is bittersweet news.


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